Cara Membuat Flint And Gold 2 (Updated) - Game Hub Indonesia

Posted by Ammar AL-Hafiz Panjaitan 0 komentar
Halo para pengunjung yang setia! Game Hub Indonesia buat post artikel baru lagi nih, dulunya sih pernah dibahas, tapi pendek 😋. Dulu di post sebenarnya sih, karena ada yang nyari di google, terus masuk ke postingan laen yang Crafting Guide Minecraft / Berbagai Kerajinan Minecraft. Keywordnya sih, sederhana aja, tulisannya → "cara membuat flint & gold di Minecraft". Coba cari, pasti ada.

Cara Membuat Flint And Gold 2 (Updated) - Game Hub Indonesia

Seperti ini guys, di Minecraft Versi apapun dari 1.1 sampe 1.13.2 tuh, ga ada yang namanya flint and gold, kalau yang vanilla sih. Mungkin aja ada kalau satu sebab. apa itu? Kasih tau gak ya... 

Cara Membuat Flint And Gold

Minecraft vanilla atau yang asli sih, tentunya gak ada item yang namanya "Flint and Gold". Mau dibuktikan? Ya buktikan aja sendiri! Seperti yang saya tuliskan diatas, mau versi terbaru pun, belum ada update tentang flint and gold. Flint and gold ini sendiri tidak bisa dicraft, karena memang gak ada resepnya. Di Seluruh game, kita bisa menambahkan fitur-fitur tertentu dengan data-data tertentu. Flint and Gold juga bisa ditambahkan ke Game Sandbox Minecraft ini lho! Mau tau caranya? Ya, seperti saya tuliskan diatas juga, kita bisa menambahkan fitur tertentu kedalam suatu game dengan menambahkan suatu data-data tertentu. Namanya? Mod! Mod maksudnya moderate atau menambahkan sesuatu kedalam permainan.

Anda mau modnya? Atau, anda tidak tahu cara pasang mod? Atau mungkin, anda tahu cara pasang modnya, tapi anda tidak bisa install pemasang modnya? Mungkin tentang cara pasang mod dan cara install pemasang modnya nanti akan saya jelaskan. Tapi di postingan selanjutnya...

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Panduan Raid di server Factions - Game Hub Indonesia

Posted by Ammar AL-Hafiz Panjaitan 0 komentar
Halo pengunjung! Kali ini Game Hub Indonesia (GHI) posting sebuah artikel kembali, untuk game Minecraft. Disini, Game Hub Indonesia (GHI) akan memberikan panduan "Raid" untuk anda yang gemar bermain faction di beberapa server tertentu agar tidak salah paham dalam bermain.

Faction Logo

Cara Raid Base faction lain tidak semudah yang anda pikirkan. Tentunya tidak cepat (agak lama) dan cukup membosankan di beberapa waktu. Jangan raid base / pangkalan orang miskin, karena benda yang anda dapatkan (Loot) tidak setara dengan waktu dan energi yang telah anda gunakan. Sekarang, mari kita masuk ke langkah-langkah yang benar untuk raid base musuh.

Langkah-langkah ini adalah untuk meraid base orang di server faction yang tidak memiliki peraturan untuk melawan perampasan ...

1. Ambil sebanyak mungkin teman untuk ikut dengan Anda (agar semakin meriah)
2. Ambil perlengkapan terbaik Anda
3. Ambil Fire Resistant Potions
4. Anda dan teman Anda masing-masing membawa 1 ember lava dan atau juga Flint and Steel
5. Perhatikan faction itu, apakah ada yang online atau tidak. Saya sarankan maximal orang yang online di faction itu hanya 3 orang dan tidak lebih, juga pastikan Anda tahu siapa pemiliknya.
6. Ambil beberapa TNT

Sekarang untuk bagian Raid:
       Pakai Fire Resistance anda, dan hancurkan dinding dengan TNT. tempatkan lava dan api dimana-mana, yang akan membantu membunuh anggota faction. Saat menyerang, gunakan F3 + B agar kamu bisa melihat item-item yang jatuh di sekitar musuh. Hal pertama yang Anda lakukan adalah bunuh mereka, temukan di mana mereka meletakkan /f home mereka, dan blokir dengan blok apapun sehingga mereka tidak bisa kembali. Jangan buka peti dan ambil barangnya, hancurkan saja jadi kamu tidak bisa diserang saat membuka peti. Setelah Anda membunuh mereka dan mereka tidak dapat kembali, ambil barang yang Anda inginkan dan biarkan mereka frustasi dan pergi. ini akan membuat mereka frustrasi dengan Anda dan mereka akan menginginkan balas dendam. jadi ... Aturlah beberapa perangkap di markasmu !!!

Jika server faction ini memiliki peraturan untuk tidak merampok, lakukan saat mereka offline dan gunakan Invisibility Potion jika mereka ada yang online. Ingat untuk meledakkan dasar markas mereka. Demikianlah panduan-panduan raid di server Faction manapun. Semoga bermanfaat!

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Surviving Your First Night In Minecraft - Game Hub Indonesia

Posted by mohiniruthmontgomery 0 komentar
Minecraft Survival Guide

Minecraft has received huge amounts of praise recently for being one of the most creative games conceived for many years. Each game is randomly built of hundreds of thousands of cubes. There are many different types of cube. Ranging from solid rock, or dirt and even lava blocks. You can spend all your time building huge castles, or all your time mining for coal. The choice really is yours to do whatever you feel.
Surviving Your First Night In Minecraft
I'll cover here the basics of surviving your first night. The first is always the worst.

At night a whole variety of monsters and bad guys spawn and try and end the life of your player. Skeletons fire arrows from what seems like miles away, spiders jump out of nowhere and chase you for miles and zombies hide behind corners waiting to jump on the player when he least expects it.

Day Time.

During your first Minecraft day, you should collect enough raw material to see you through the night. Start with wooden logs to make planks and sticks, then mine some coal and rock for picks and torches.

Crafting a stone sword will help in case any stray monsters penetrate your defenses unexpectedly.

Build a small dwelling where you can hide out if you find yourself surrounded by monsters.

Night Time.

By now you should have enough materials to last the next 10 minutes of game time. People often use the night to mine for more stone resources, or go exploring in cave and mine systems.

Venturing out into the wild on the first few nights before you really have a feel for the game often leads to unexpected and annoying deaths. I found on my first night stepping out allowed a creeper to jump off my roof and explode on my head. Killing me instantly and destroying my home.

I spent the rest of the night just running around as every time I stopped an arrow whizzed past my head.

The second night is always easier, and the more you play the most resources you'll have to combat all the monsters.

Remember to have fun. You'll be addicted before you know it.

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The 13 Phases of the Minecraft Infection

Posted by mohiniruthmontgomery 0 komentar
Through my career as a Minecraft player I have recognized several basic stages an average player goes through when "infected". I have a feeling that you will recognize these stages.
The 13 Phases of the Minecraft Infection

  1. The Infection: Almost no one discovers Minecraft on their own. Most Minecraft players are introduced to the game by close frineds, or they here about it on the internet. I myself, discovered it after my friend and I played it at his house for hours. Many people are also "infected" by means of YouTube.
  2. The Arrival: Now that the player has seen Minecraft, he will want it. Badly. Either by pirating (shun them) or by buying the game, the player will acquire it.
  3. The Begining: The player will play Minecraft for the first time. The game will suck. The player will not know how to do a thing! I myself had to watch six YouTube videos just to figure out how to open up Minecraft and start a new world. read article about : Tutorial to Hide your Item - Minecraft Minigame
  4. Who likes survival mode?: When a Minecraft player first starts he almost never plays survival. In his mind, survival is boring and hard, but creative is exciting and interesting. You can do anything! You can fly! You can kill creepers! You can make full diamond armor!
  5. Creative gets Boring: The player has been playing Minecraft for about a week now. All he really does is build dirt houses and kill creepers with full armor and enchanted weapons. Its kinda fun... Well actually it's getting really boring. The player isn't very good, and there is no challenge for him. Its time to try out survival mode, right?
  6. The Start of Survival: After getting bored of creative, many players will turn to survival. The player uses the internet and finds out how to play.The survival phase lasts for about a year.
  7. The MADNESS: This is one of the worst stages of the Minecraft infection. When a player is well on in a survival map and dies chaos insues. ONe characteristic of this stage that will help you identify it is classified as the "engraged maniac howl".
  8. First Break: After dying and losing diamonds a player will often spend up to a month away from the game.
  9. Cheating: After taking a break from the game, the player choses to try it out again. He will pretend he had never died, and hack his items back.
  10. The End: If the player is good enough, he will eventually kill the enderdragon. He will then brag to all his friends.
  11. Second Break: Survival is over and creative is boring. What's left for the infected to obsess over?
  12. Creative: A month or so after beating survival most players will turn to creative. They will build houses, make mob arenas, and find hight limit.
  13. The Divergence: After experimenting with creative, infected players may go in multiple directions. Some infected will show signs of multiple paths.

Route A: The player will begin to play on servers

Route B: The player will download maps to play

Route C: The player will experiment with redstone and eventually become a professional

Route D: The player will download and make mods.

Route E: The player will host a server.

Route F: The player will quit Minecraft.

Route G: The player will (much like me) build Minecraft custom maps.

Route H: The player will fall into a repetitive and deadly cycle of greed and become terribly obsessed with Minecraft. The player will lose all his friends and family.

Now that you understand the common stages of the Minecraft infection, try to recognize them in your self. Denial is not the answer.

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Minecraft - Island Survival

Posted by Ammar AL-Hafiz Panjaitan 0 komentar
If you spawn on an island, you will have very limited resources. Because it is a new world, you can simply go back, delete the world, and create a new one, but perhaps you want to challenge yourself and survive in a unique world.

Know your environment

Islands generate in very remote areas. Usually, you will not see any other land, and the island you are on has only one tree. There are no animals, but there are monsters.

Surviving your first night

Before you do anything, go to the tree and collect all the wood. Because resources are low, only craft things a certain number of times.

Once you have done this, collect any saplings and place them throughout the island.

Building a shelter

Go to the far end of the island and place your crafting table. Craft a door and a wooden sword.

Now for the building itself. Again, resources are low, so make a small structure out of dirt.Build the walls two blocks high in the arrangement shown on the right. Make sure that the opening is facing the rest of the island. Once you have done this, place your door.

Enter your shelter at sunset.


Even without animals, there are ways to get food:

- Fishing
     -You will need to dig to get cobblestone for a furnace to cook the fish
- Growing wheat and crafting it into bread
- Apples
     -Only available if the tree was oak
- Carrots and potatoes
     - Not usually available on second day


Islands have limited space. You could build on the island, but this doesn't leave much room. A better approach is to build a house on the water and connect it to the island with a bridge.


Although there are no sheep, you can still get string from spiders and craft wool. Once you have three wool, you can make a bed.


To make a compact mine, make ladders and dig down. To look for a cave, listen for bats.

Once you find a cave, start mining.

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Minecraft - Abandoned Mineshaft

Posted by Ammar AL-Hafiz Panjaitan 0 komentar
Minecraft Mineshaft.png 
Hello again guys! I have make a article about Abandoned Mineshaft!

Abandoned mineshafts generate naturally in the Overworld, they are usually found underground but some can be found in the ocean. They are generated before chunk features such as ores. As with other features, multiple abandoned mineshafts can generate near each other and intersect, producing larger complexes. They can also intersect with other cave systems. Corridors will generate a floor of wooden planks if they cross over empty space. Different with mineshaft seed, mineshaft launcher

They can also generate on the surface in mesa biomes. These are composed of dark oak planks and fences, rather than oak. Cave spider spawners and various wooden pieces will not generate if above ground (i.e. the sky light where they generate is 8 or more), and generated railways will be less complete above ground.

Structure Abandoned Mineshaft

Abandoned mineshafts consist of:
  • A starting point - a large room with a flat dirt floor, an arched ceiling and up to four exits (one in each direction, although, sometimes it generates in a way for up to five entrances.)
  • Corridors - 3×3 block corridors featuring supports made from oak fences and wood planks (sometimes complementary with torches), broken rails, minecarts with chests (containing resources) and cave spider spawners surrounded by cobwebs.
  • Crossings - intersections with wooden pillars, sometimes two floors tall.
  • Staircases - diagonal sections of tunnel.
 I hope you enjoy it! Bye!

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Grass in Minecraft

Posted by Ammar AL-Hafiz Panjaitan 0 komentar
You must be know about grass block minecraft !! this grass block texture very amazing. Lets find you grass block in minecraft.
Double Tallgrass.png
Hello everybody! Nice to meet you! I will share to you about grass, and, this is the info.When broken normally, all variants will drop either nothing or seeds.
They can be obtained as an item using shears. The double tall grass and large ferns will drop two of the respective single block tall grass when mined using shears.
Water will destroy any tall grass in its way. Grass and double tall grass generate on grass blocks in most biomes that generate grass. Ferns and large ferns occur naturally only in jungle, taiga, and mega taiga biomes.
also read : Sugar Canes in Minecraft
Shrubs, though identical in appearance to the dead bushes found in deserts and mesas, do not naturally generate.
Bone meal can be used on a grass block to grow grass and occasionally flowers on it and in its vicinity. Bone meal can also be used on either tall grass or a fern to create a double tall grass or large fern.
A shrub looks identical to the dead bush, except that it will occasionally drop seeds instead of sticks, and is randomly offset from the center of its block like grass. It can be obtained using /give @p minecraft:tallgrass 1 0. In Pocket Edition, this block is named 'Fern' but has the texture of Grass in Minecraft

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